Thursday, January 4, 2007

V'Ychei Yaakov

Parasha sh'vuah: "And Yaakov lived in the land of Mitzraim seventeen years 'The days of the two lives' of Yaakov were".

Likutey Hal'chot, on this pasuk:
"To explained in the words of Rebtenu z'l (Hazal), in the Midrash Rabah and brought down particularly in the Zohar Hakodesh about this parash. "Those seventeen years where the eekar Importance of days of his life, these days that he lived in joy and comfort, as is written there in the Zohar Hakadosh. and you can say it's wonder or a strange thing that when he was sitting in Eretz Israel he was not sitting in tranquillity? And in the land of mitzraim, a tumahdic unclean a place, and knowing that the galut has started he was tranquil? There has to be more.
How can it be that he could sit in this place tranquil when the galut was starting? and Know that it was going to embitter the lives of his children, the Jews. this is the whole point to the pasuk, that " they will get happiness and joy " the exact point, is fullness of simcha. the whole point of life is to be joyful in Hashem to grab the bad ugly and negative and to lift up and convert it over to good and beautiful and positive,

In short it comes to teach us to look to the nekuda tovah, The good that resides in the bad the 'silver lining'. This is the meaning of the "two lives of Yaakov". This is one of the first steps in living a Emunah led life. learning to see the good inside every detail of life, try it and see how it eliminates the life of stress fear. Try it what do you have to lose? your stress

Gut Shabbos
Reb. Nati


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