Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Kavod Hashem

The very Shoresh (the Divine root) of all of creation is the Kavod (Glory) of Hashem. What ever Hashem has created He created for His Glory. "Everything that is called by my name and that I have created For my Glory" (Isaiah 43:7) Since everything has been created for Hashem Glory, Then it follows that His Glory is the root of the entire creation.

The very essence of Judaism is to go in pure innocence and simplicity with no sophistication whatsoever. Make sure that what ever you do, That Hashem is there, that it is only for Him.
Do not pay any attention to your own esteem or kavod. It's simple if something will enhance Hashem's Kavod then do it. If not, then don't. In this way you will certain that you will never stumble.

The essence of Teshuvah is when a person earnestly searches for Hashem's Glory. He sees in himself that he is far from Hashem's Glory. He yearns for it. He asks. He cries. He labours and struggles.

Ayeh? "Where is the place of His Glory?" This in itself is his answer, his repentence and his remedy. Understand this well!!!

For the essence Kedushah (Holiness) is that Hashem's Kavod should be revealed in the world.
Blessed be Hashem forever. Amen V'Amen