Thursday, January 4, 2007

Breslov/Chabbad (Facts)

This post is in response to Eli's comment, on my post of yesterday
It is a little know fact in Chabbad that Rebbe Nachman upon returning from the Eretz Hakodesh went straight to the Alter rebbe. Spring 5559 march thru June 1798-99
As Rebbe Nachman was instrumental in an effort to make shalom, in resolving a dispute between Rabbi Avraham Kalisker and the Alter Rebbe. (Igeres Baal HaTanya398p.156)
23 sivan 5559 "When the rebbe returned home Medvedevka he did not even stop at his house, but immediately went see Rabbi Shneur Zalman as he had promised R. Avraham Kalisker" (Chayay Morharan 26 b #10,113)
On Rosh Chodesh Tammuz 5559, the Rebbe Came to Liozna, where Rebbe Shneur Zalman lived.
it was a 450 mile trip of 8 days.(Chayay Moharan 33b,#150 appendix, letter #9). The Alter Rebbe spoke for 8 hours, (Aveneha Barzel) to those gathered.
"they spoke together about the k'chillah in Israel. In particular, the discussed the controversy involving the distribution funds. The Rebbe tried to calm the situation. But in the end, it did not help. It was later recorded the Rebbe was found crying. The rebbe said to Rabbi Shimon " I brought you a present from Israel, and the present is strife!". That summer The Rebbe taught several lessons connected to this issue. They met several times after that .Rebbe Nachman also gave the Alter Rebbe a copy of Likutey Moharan. And we know that, it is still in the archives of Chabbad, And also I once saw in in the office of the Rebbe when I lived in Crownheights.
But here is the best part of the story! The daughter of Rebbe Nachman, Chaya married Aharon the son of Freida, daughter of The Alter Rebbe. (Until Mashiach) So someone in Chabbad can please look this up for us and send to us, please as i curious to here there other side of the story. So in the end we are family.
But to talk on the subject at hand whether to use our intellect or emunah. I'll give the follow mushal, and let you decide? It's a well know medical fact that the heart can live on for years without the brain, ie. 'Brain dead', but the brain can not live for more than 5 minutes without the heart. The brain is dependent on the heart for life. So who gonna trust? The brain that is dependent on the heart, or the heart which gives the brain life?
The whole lesson of the Tanya 634 pages is simply this; A man must use his Emunah to convert his intellect so together they can covert the Yeitzer HaRah to the Yeitzer HaTov. The Avodah of the Habennoi, ( the service of middle or average Guy).
For you are chair Kabballist it's like this.
Mochin katnuse, constricted consciousness, sekel is the intellect, animal instincts without emunah (faith), this is what leads to apikorses, Hershey which resides in the a man's brain without emunah.
The Mochin Gadluse expanded consciousness "Emunah shaleimah" complete utter faith, Nefesh Elokees, (ie. The G-dly soul) that resides in the right side of a man's heart mush be strengthened and built up until it reaches the intellect, which resides in the a man's brain. Only then can the intellect descend into the left side of the heart, where the Yeitzer Harah (nefesh B'hemah, animal soul) resides. For intellect on it's own can never conquer the Yeitzer HaRah! Only with Mochin Gadluse, which is Emunah in tandem with the, sekel intellect, only in this Kedusha, holiness of the combination is the two can we ever hope to conquer and convert the Yeitzer! You see our mission here is not to destroy but to convert the Yeitzer. Any way Rebbenu said there is no such thing as the middle guy, or your in Gadluse or Katnuse. Either your one or the other! The basic message of the Tanya is the same there really is no middle ground. It's binary on or off, no half on half off!
So hopefully this will clear up this issue. The truth is, it takes both Menachem and Nachman to accomplish the tikun, It's in the achdus, the oneness of the two, that there is Kedusha and though brotherly love and acceptance we will rectify the sin of sinat chinam senseless hatred. Come guys we 're Mispacha family!
There isn't space for me to continue here on this subject as i can keep going. So for those who wish to delve deeper on this subject can join me on our sister blog Project-emunah. Where we are in the process of giving shuirim on just emunah. "All Emunah All the Time. also we are in the process of starting internet Radio program so stay tunned.
Reb. Nati


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