Wednesday, January 3, 2007

"Emunah It's a Lifestyle"

Emunah is not just a term, or a system of belief. Really it's a total life style. You have to choose to live emunah. It requires a total overhaul of where you are now. We make ourselves sick with a lack of it. Our fears, the stress, filled lives we lead are a result of a total lack of faith in our creator. And this lack of faith is tantamount to Avoda zorah. If we are doeg worried about anything the smallest thing, it's total disbelief in Hashem. We really at this time need to wake up do t'shuva and really sincerely repent, for not believing totally in Hashem. The reason for all the lying, cheating, stealing, murder, all stem from disbelief. The "disengagement" is the biggest denial of Hashem. What if we all just believed that every detail of our daily lives was already prepared we wouldn't have to struggle with anxiety, no need for shrinks or pills or drinking, you know "noworries man". We would not need insurance companies, doctors lawyers, life would be well like Gan Edan paradise. Well we can live here in this world and truly be relaxed knowing, really knowing that every detail of our lives is fixed!
"What Rebbe Nati your gonna sit there and tell me, with all the problems that I have that I don't have to worry?" YES... "Yeah right!"! No really I'm only learning To live, 'way to late might add' that there is no thing I can with Anger,fear, worry, stress, aggravation. Our worries and disbelief just compound every thing and add to all the mess we call life. Olam Hazeh can be Olam Habah, this present world can be truly wonderful if you just releize that its all taken care of, every minutest detail of every day is all ready prepared believe it or not! Because He said so! You can take it to the bank and cash it!
With Hashem's Help i'll return tomarrow to start to share how to begin anew

Hashem Blessings on all!
Reb Nati


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