Thursday, March 22, 2007

Erev Rosh Chodesh in Meron

There is so much I could write on this one trip to Rasbi, Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, zt"l. It was intense to say the least. I was joined by a friend and student, Uzi. We had unbelievable experiences more than than once, as we just kept getting the same message, "rok zerok l'sekel shelcha" - just throw away all your preconceived notions.

Like two little children we set out, and what a journey it was. We came to receive a blessing for me, "a refuah" (a healing), and to ask for a special blessing for the new month. We came away with a lot more.

As Erev Rosh Chodesh is Yom Kippur Katon (the beginning of a new month is like a small Yom Kippur), we can wipe clean the slate from last month and start anew.

We rode up from the Shomron (West Bank) in the rain and cold, catching rides (Israeli style). This is my personal favorite way to travel as I always ask Hashem to bring me people to speak to about emunah (faith). I'm getting a ride, they're getting a shiur in Torah, no choice as I just can't shut up about G-d and my Rebbe and how he has changed my life. For me, it's so natural and it just flows.

Every ride was a blessing and a part of the emunah lifestyle, and everyone we spoke to received a blessing. We relate to each as family, and people are just not used to this. They ask, "Are all you guys like this? Alive and energized?" I say chalavei! (We fervently wish!)

One adventure after another (that's another story!) and we arrived at the Kever (Tomb) of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai zt"l. Only then did the plane really begin to leave the runway! WOW!!! Everyone from the rebbe ashir b'Torah to the most simple beggar said the same thing! Just throw your sechel (intellect) and just trust in Hashem. I mean everyone!

We met a tzaddik who took us on a trek behind the tomb, hiking around the hills to the cave of Hillel HaZakain, the great Hillel the Elder, zt"l. We were not sure what was about to happen, even began to get nervous at entering a cave with the fellow. But what a blessing! This guy just started giving us Torah like you would not believe. There was one confirmation after another, WOW! We exchanged numbers and prayer requests, Reb Shimon ben Miriam want a zivug (marriage partner), so I promised to pray for him everyday and I look forward to dancing at his wedding very soon, may it be His will!

We trekked back around the hill to the mikvah by the kever, to purify ourselves and say Tikun Klali (the spiritual repair of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov). There energy there like Uman! As we finished and left to go outside for cup of tea, I ran into the Melitzer Rebbe (literally, bump!) Bli ayin hara, ben porat yosef, a very special tzaddik who I had come to see, to give a pidyon nefesh (a soul request) and recieve a bracha (blessing) for a refuah shalayma (a completely recovery). All I can express is...Wow. He had come with Rabbi Lazer Brody of Lazer Beams.

After spending a few precious minutes with this special man of G-d, my friend Uzi and I merited to have some private time with Rabbi Brody on the side of the hill. Ahh, the the cream of the trip. Torah, words of praise of Hashem and the prayers of old soldiers were shared! G-d willing, I should merit to write another post just to tell you some of we learned on the side of the hill by Rashbi in Meron.

Hodu l'Hashem Key Tov, Key Le'olam Hasdo!

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