Wednesday, March 14, 2007

There is and awakening happening right now in front our eyes but we need eyes to see. It's happening in my heart, but it comes up to my head only time and again, I hope more frequently, It's coming out of coma! I'm starting to see Mosiach! He's coming, I feel it, I sense it! I have to open up my lips! "Hashem help me, enliven me, Wake me in fullness!

The awakening "the remembering is happening" Zohar vayera 119a. You see the souls of the original 600,000 plus are all waking up in this time as was foretold . but we looked at it like, a myth or a story we did not realize it in reality but we have to and those who are waking at this time are the souls of the leaders of the tribes and now the rest are coming out of stasis, like sleep. and we are finding each other and connecting one to the other. The Tzaddikm of the dor are the most awake and we need to gling to them and they are leading us To Moshaich. AND MOSHIACH IS THE ONE MOST AWAKE OF ALL, HE HAS TO BE TO LEAD US TO HASHEM!!!

Wondering though the desert, "lost in desert try to find your way back"? You must choose to trust the Tzaddik to lead you! Their foot prints lead us, they the Tzaddikim have awakened and walked before us, and are walking til this day we just have to follow after them.

We have fallen a long way I would not kid you! If you look at the total midbar you fail. the Clouds of Glory are there for us, to protect us for we cant take reality. You see we are so close to the real but so far. So to the forest we need to run it is the only way to make it though this! "From the forest itself we find the handle for the axe" we just walk out and find a spot and connect to Hshaem, the Tzaddik has shown us the only way. Melech Dovid wrote the book, And Ben Dovid has shown us the way, "WHY NOT WALK IT"? Go ahead what do have to lose? execpt the Ego is in the way? Go ahead catch a glimpse from the cleft of the rock, if you don't; the stones themselves will shout the praises of the KING!!! the trees of the field will clap the hands the geula's coming come be apart of it!

To barrow from my brother Mattisahu "We are worriers fightin for your soul"... "taken from the heavens above brought down here"... "into this place and time to bring light to help reawaken all of creation.

Everything on this planet's has an inner essence, all things, every living thing can be traced back to Hashem He animates and gives life to everything and our cry's and longings Express verbally direactly to Hashem, that we call out from side of the hills in His Holy land, are His Praise every cry each request is a testimony. He craves He longs to reconnect to us We are the ones who left! We separated ourselves we ran off. Now we have to fight through this world to be reunited.
Its our job to help reach and awaken every single soul! You see I'VE got nothing to lose and I will tell you just give in to what you know is right, and is inside you. And connect with Him he wants to make the connection. We ask? "Open Our lip's and when he dose only then can, We Declare His Praise" Hisbadeut is the only cure for all of our ills and problems, and the only way to bring the galut to an speedy end.

You see we can have gelua now. Here in Ertez Hakodesh, just look out your window,, and take it all in form the dead sea to the Mediterranean. From revelation revelation "from sea to sea" or SEE or SEE. For Hashem said he would put a "hunger and a thirst in the land" but not a hunger for food or thirst for water, we will prosperous and wealthy. "Look at Yosef he was king" like now that's why the Rebbe's have to bring us in. We are in the darkest possible time in history we are drowning all of us are fight to keep conscious "fight for you soul come home and stand with us here in the Holy hills and cry to Hashem to give us strength to stay awake "we cant afford to sleep for seventy years" We must understand this! We have to reunite the Shenniah with our Father our "ABBA" so we can have Moshiach. Would it be nice if you would come and join me here for a special festival "THE EMUNAH FESTIVAL" Could you do it for me? Come experence Refuha Hanefesh come help every voice is needed.
One thing I asked from Hashem that which I will seek after? "that I Would see The Kodesh Moshiach with my eyes in this goof!!!"
"You see, He... He has to be close by!!! I cant let go of this you can't let go of this we need to wake from this dream cry out Hashem "ABBA" We need you please.......THANK YOU ABBA Thank you I've seen our Kodosh land, thank you, You gave me rain, raise me up Lord! Put song in my heart I"M thirsty, remove the kippa from my heart, I really want Moshiach He's been seen by those who can stand outside on the side of the hill and in the forest and sing to Him.
Please come sing with me here in the Shomron let's just decide to all come toTELShilo in the Hills of Ephraim and take a mikvah in the myan and walk up to Tel Shilo and as one sing out to Hashem, Come on what do we have to lose?
Starting Rosh chodesh NISSAN let's make our voices a korban that testifies to His existences, to His Glory, So you say nobody will come ok, ok so only few come, we will still walk up and sing. maybe if you come, there will be more, each one in his turn! Come sing with me please for me? come on let's see 600,000 souls come and sing and praise Hashem this year before Shvuots I'm gonna Hashem willing starting on Rosh Chodesh to sing His testimonies L'Olam V'ed reach me at


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