We are very short on time just a little over a year to go. One years and two months to be exact til it has to come the 'redeemption' has to be now so in the next year a lot is going to happen we are well into, and on our way to Gog Magog 'the Armagedon' and the USA is leading the way for the one that will come and divide my land and kill my people. Pray!
Think what you want of me but I love Hashem and have prayed for 30 years to see the face of His Righteous Redeemer with my own eyes in this body. So I have acted on my faith and changed everything to be here. because I believed what was written in the Holy books. and He was faithful to answer my prayers.
This lesson is the truth! And I have been writing to the Holy children Israel and many are turning to Emuanh/faith. But the evil one wants to take me before my time so as to trap those who haven't heard. Pray for me. I'm not well. But I Wait only, only on Him who has the power to heal and save! Not on flesh and blood but on the living G-D! for it says in the Holy scriptures in Isaiah "Not by might nor by power but by my spirit says the L-rd Of Hosts".
I asked my self? How is it that this Tzaddik can repair me this the worst, The least of all of all, that I am. How is it? I'm up and down and all over the place. How is it that he can bring me up, to and to direct me on the path of repentence? How is it he can help me to do T'shuvah? How is it and by what merit can he do this? By what power? What is there that he can do such a great thing to bring me to t'shuvah? How is it he can bring me close to Hashem? From the depths of Tumah in this generation, in this the deepest place where I am?
Hashem willing, in the merit of Rebbe Nachman and of Reb Nosson and all the holy the Tzaddikim and in the merit of our Holy Forefathers. Hashem open my mind and my sekel so I might come to understand just a little of what all this means. Hashem willing we will come to understand this and clear up just what we are able to understand. I mean I'm a kosher Jew! I pray, keep the Mitzvot, How is it, How can I make the Tikun I have to make, in this world and in this life time that you have given me? I mean I fall and get up all the time, everyday, multiple times in a single day, I fall! Hashem how can I come closer to you and to the Tzaddik HaEmet?
I have for sometime had a debate inside whether to discuss this in public. Because the the public does not have the kelim to receive this message, and I have had conversations with those of you who know me and some of you can not receive what I'm trying to say. But it is not my words Hashem forbid, However unfortunately we have come to a time, where it is time and I'm being forced so to speak to begin to openly reveal these truths that are recorded in the writings of Rebbe Nachman of Breslev and Reb Nosson and Chazal before them.
Recently in the parsah ha sh'vuah we spoke about the Kohen Ha Gadol and the Talmid chochom, the Tzaddik Ha Emet. The times are such that we need to understand who and what is the Tazddik Ha Emet, He who is more precious than the Kohen HaGadol. and I from the start want to ask of those of you who it is to hard to understand, I ask for you to forgive me if I don't give this over clearly but know it is with my best intentions to relate the truth of what I've heard and learned.
It is brought down in the Parsha of Acharei mot perek vav, (6) there is a remez, How it is that the Kohen HaGadol is to come into the Kodesh Kodeshim. "Aharon shall bring near his own sin offering a Bull 'Parah' and provide atonement for himself... With a parah ben bachor, chatat and the orlah. How is it to come to the Kodesh of the Kodeshsim? "only with the Nukudot Tovot". Parah is 'Resh Peh Bet', gematria 282 or the Torah of Rebbenu, 'Azamra' "I will yet praise Hashem with the little I have left". With this seemingly small good point. So take the good from what I'm trying to say. Rebbe said if with live by the good points then we will have truly a life of good! With that said I can begin to relate what I've learned.
Reb Nosson writes, on this parsha in perkek 16:17 "Any person shall not be in the tent of the meeting when he comes to provide atonement in the Sanctuary until his departure; he shall provide atonement for himself, for his household, and for the entire congregation of Israel". artscroll english tanak
Reb Nosson said, "Mamash I'm saking just to read this in the Nigla, dafka it is l'miesha. It is not a hidden thing! It would be one thing you would expect in the Holy Zohar and in the writing's of the Ari but it is not just there. It is in the Nigla as well as the Nistar. It is Halchah L'Miesah and They say 'there is no hidden treasure in the hidden' what connection does it have to me? If it was only in the Nistar, we could say we don't understand or that it does not apply to us, But it is brought down in the Talmud Yerushalmi in, Yoma, perek alef, halachah heh; They the Rabbis of blessed memory speak there on the language of the pasuk. What does it mean that there shall be no man in the tent? They say not even the Adom Eliyon, , and in the kabbalah there is the Inyan of Adom eliyon, we will not go into this, its above us, But chazal is telling us something gavoah, it's not just man of flesh and blood but the Adom Eliyon, ain lo tz'hut l'kaneiss. He has no merit to come in. Chazal ask, How is it that the kohen Ha Gadol a man of basar v'dom, can come in? We need to understand how it is the kohen hagadol can go in on the holiest day of the year and repair what we have caused to fall to the kilpot.
We need to understand well what it means, Reb Nosson is about to explain and build on this little by little till we understand what is the Tzaddik Ha Emet!
"And the Tzaddik HaEmet this is Rebbenu Nachman ben Simcha ben Fiega. The Tzaddik is Gadol v'yoteir efilu more so than the Kohen HaGadol who is the one who is in front and inside. like it is brought in Sotah perek, chaf daled 24 "lefnei and bifnim penimi, me li? Who is this, who is in front and inside? me he? penimim? Who is this inside? He is more precious than the Kohen HaGadol because he can repair averot that Yom Kippur can not fix. It says in tractate Yoma, 'that the sins between man and Hashem are repaired on yom Ha kippur'. The Tzaddik HaEmet can repair the sins between man and his fellow. This is higher than the Kodesh Kodeshim! Gevalt! The Talmid Chochom the Tzaddik HaEmet like it is brought in Yoma daf peh vav that Yom Kippur fixes these sins but not those. The Tzaddik HaEmet can go in further and higher than the Kodosh Kodoshim and to a place where the Kohen HaGadol can not reach. The Tzaddik HaEmet can reach a place more holy and closer to Hashem, to repair what can not be repaired on Yom Kippur. Like it says in Mishlei, perek tet zain, 16:14 "The Kings wrath is like the angels of death, but the wise man, the talmid chochom/Tzaddik HaEmet will appease it". Reb Nosson explains the pasuk like this, there are sins that enter even unto Hashem, Has v'shalom, and even the Yom Kippur does not appease but the Tzaddik Ha Emet knows how to appease them. that's why he is higher than the Kohen HaGadol. The Beis Hamikdash repairs only those things that are between man and Hashem. But the Tzaddik HaEmet knows how to Kipur/appease the sins between man and his fellow man. The soul of the Tzaddik HaEmet comes from a place higher than this so he is able to make wonderful repairs!
We need to thank and praise Hashem for the fact that we are not amongst those who appose the Tzaddik HaEmet.
Let's talk not about what might be, or could be, but let's only talk about what is! The Tachlis B'Shetach, We are all very very far away from the truth! There is a gap between us and Hashem. Even amongst the Gadolei Hador Mehadrim Kosher Machmirim in Mea Sharim, there is a gap we can not pass without, Emunah in the Tzaddik HaEmet! Only by the Tzaddik HaEmet can we hope to come close.
I do not care what you think! Or what they say! This is the written truth. "It is only by the way of Tzaddik HaEmet that we can come close to Hashem period! What is our avodah? klum shum davar! our merits are nothing! We can not even focus in this generation for a moment on our prayers. Or to guard our eyes from looking at the most putrid of things in this lowly world! There is not one of us who has not fallen very far from the truth! The idea of kedushah Atz me 'Personal Holiness' is far far from almost all of us! Which one of us has not once in this year had a 'clean thought', that has not taken us away from Hashem for just a second, not to mention all the evil thoughts that we dwell on. What kind of Pagamim we have created every minute in this coma we call life. Without the Korach of the Tzaddik. The Tzaddik HaEmet is something most of us do not want to here about! What's so hard to believe? That Hashem sent us a way to make it! It's is a sin not to believe? It is written that gehenom is deepen and widened for us, so why do I put on tefillin or keep shabbos what use is it to try? Rebbenu said I'm your guarantor. It says in the Holy Zohar, Hashem asked the Moshiach should I make the world or not? Because man will rebel against me! He the Moshiach said, "put it all on me I'll pay the debt". The Zohar says that all our avodah has no substance at all. So this Nehsomah of Moshiach, the soul the same exact soul as Moshe rebbenu, Rashbi, Baal Shem Tov and Rebbnu Nachman. Hashem asks, when seeing the days before Moshiach, the angels asked who will pay the chov, Mah Yeih? What will be? Moshiach stood up and said "I will"! I'm the Guarantor! Rebbnu said "I will tikun them" I will! this is the Tzaddik me, myself, I will pay in full all of it! The truth is the truth! No one ever made this promise. He said im the Orev! Rebbenu wrote in Chai Moran "you just bring me stones and plaster and I'll build the most wonderful houses from them, he said, 'what'? you are not engineers and contractors or managers you are stam workers so stop you all billibal" you can not do anything! It is just that our ego and pride are the worst of all sins, We think we know something, can do something, Ha! Rebbenu said if you had a 1000 years of fasting and tikunim if you even knew what to do you could not do it. So he said, "I'm your Orev", because he said he will pay, except it! He said you can not even do t'shuvah I'll do it for you! I mean if some guy comes and says tomorrow I'll pay all you bills are you going to says no? Hand me all your debts I'll pay them just come to me! gevalt!
We have no idea who Rebbenu was! You read this and say "who is he to say I'll do it for you"? On what merit does he have to do so? I'll tell you! Because he 'shomer' watched his eyes! He separated himself from the Tumah of this world by keeping his eyes in the holy books and his focus on the truth that Hashem is Elokim. And none of us are on the level to say he did not. Today guarding our eyes is like someone asking us to lift a building! It is impossible but we have to try there is no excuse not to so! We have to cry and beg Hashem to help us. The Tzaddik is so separated from this world that he can go where no man has gone before. We are at the lowest level ever even lower than Mitzrayim we are mamash at the 49.999th level. But rebbenu knew this 200 years ago, and said "I can", and said "its all on me". He was a kosher Sheliach and Hashem excepted him and we are patur, if we just believe and come to his kever and give tzadakah and have Emunah. But you say B'tzechut me? On who's tzechut? Only on the tzechut of the power of Nikudah Tovah! He tilted the scale to the side of favour for us by judging us favourably he put on the side of merit, he looked and saw these days and said they can't make it! "My Torah is for the last generation", "My fire will burn til the coming of the Mosiach"!
Do you know the difference between Chabad and Breslev? Breslev sees the nikudah in every Jew. And chabad sees the Jew in every nikudah. together they raise us up! Only by Menachem and Nachman can we make it!
Rebbenu wrote "Ain ye'ush B'olam klal" I can take the Jew who is in the lowest and farthest place and move him to the place of Rashbi, from the lowest to the highest. The Baal shem tov said I can't move the baal bicherah, 'the master of choice' someone who choose to have their way, but I'll have grandson who will be able to move even this one. This is how Rebbenu gives us a chance to choose he gives the kelim to raise us up over all, thousands of times.
Rebbenu is the first Rav to write just to you. Just read is words and you'll feel it and come to know it just drop all your chochmahs through away your intellect and believe and you soon see that that it is true. Rebbenu can give you the strength to guard your eyes to concentrate on your prayers, after each new step you'll feel the strength to do another and another til you are also a tzaddik. But you have to want it, you have to beleive it. Without Rebbenu there is no way to wake up! Only Tzaddik Ha Emet has the korach the power to wake us up and that's not all He also has the power to wake up and bring back the Skeniah from her galut, Likutey Halochot hilos purim. What? What? you do not believe! then do T'shuvah because Chazal tells us that Moshe did it! and that King Dovid did it, and King Hesikyahu did it, and could have been the Mosiach. And that Mordechai Hayehudi did it! What it's all a lie?
No! so let go of your 'B'Cheimah Zevel' and wake up for goodness sakes! What you think you have a choice you're a 'Miskain' blind, deaf and dumb and not to mention lame. We all are! But there is Hope because there is one who goes before you! Rebbenu said that Hashem has been doing it ever since his birth. If you fall just get up and go on like nothing happened at all. this is the secret to success in this world! Get up dust off and smile and know that all is from Hashem even the falls, and keep going!
"Ain shum ush B'olam klal" " there is no such thing as despair in the world at all"!
Reb Nati
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