Have ever thought about why we keep Halachot? Well these are my words, as I have not heard them else where, but I'm sure I'm not the first to contemplate this.
I believe that they are a physical represention of the spiritual. A Kal V'Chomer if you prefer. For example the laws of, Pikadon, an object deposited with custodian for safekeeping, Our Neshoma's were deposited in our goof's for safekeeping so me must take care of Them. Or for example the laws of, Oseh Shaliach Leg'bos Chovo, laws regarding appointing someone to collect a debt. I have of recently been reflecting on how these laws are mirrored in the realm of the spirit.
I've been learning Chosen Mispat, The fourth section of the Shuchan Aruch dealing with Judaical law. Simon קכא' 121' The Laws of appointing a Shaliach/messenger are very curious to me as they would certainly apply to 'Moshiach', We know that Hashem is also bound by His law so to speak. So what applies here also applies in the realm of the spirit, if only for the sake of our comprehension. If we approach these laws in this way, we may come to understand the role of the 'Tzaddik HaEmet' which is different from Moshiach by the way, as Hashem's Shaliach/messenger. Because we have Eliyahu HaNavi, Moshiach ben Yosef, whom is here in each dor, Moshiach ben Dovid which comes to point us to Moshe Moshiach the Tzaddik Ha Emet, who is the righteous Redeemer, that we yearn for. The whole of this is a long draw out process which we need not explore. And we could not understand all of it anyway. We need but to trust in the fact at Hashem is in control and all will be for the best, and that we will all witness it very soon. with all that said, This is lengthy it will take some time to develop this concept so it can be understood in general. There are many great and lofty 'inyanim' in what you would think to be dry law. Hashem gave all of us this so with everything we do or say we should remember that He and He alone is the creator of the world. I'm literally on fire after coming to understand just a little of what is here.
Rebbe Nachman of Breslev z"l, through Reb Nosson Sternhartz z''l probably put it into the most sense and in the most simple of terms that I have encountered. in His Likutey Halachot of Chosen Mishpat, Oseh Saliach Leg'Bos Chovo.
Likutey Halachot Chosen Mishpat, The laws of appointing a Shaliach/messenger to collect his loan/debt.
Halacha aleph: And the one who makes a Shaliach makes in front of two witness and says he 'ploni' is responsible for the loan. And these two witness are and aspect times two doubled and this is an aspect of lashon hakodesh. And 'IT' The 'Holy Tongue' sustains everything. Because all of the world was made with Lashon HaKodesh. Like it is written: "ud'varayv chaim v'kayamim laahd" and His is an aspect (davarim19): according to two (mouths) of two witness you will establish a thing." only on the testimony of two is a davar established.
Halacha bet:
Ot aleph; 'Money is the responsibility of the borrower until it reaches the hand of the lender or his Shaliach' as we see from simon koof chaf and koof chaf aleph of Chosen Mishpat.
And means according to the Miarmar of Rebbenu z"l, "B'Chatzotzrot (with trumpets) and the sound of the shofar shout out before Hashem, The King." "Now, each and every person must say: " the entire world was created only for my sake" (sanhedrin 37a). Consequently, because the world was created for my sake, I must constantly look into and consider ways of making the world better; to provide the missing in the world and to pray on it's behalf'" (Likutey Moharan 5).
The only why to do this is through prayer. But a person needs to know how to pray. He needs to know difference of, if it is before Gezar din 'divine sealed strict judgement' or after the Gezar din. And how do you know this? The only way to get to this level is to preform each mitzvah with such tremendous shimcha/joy/enthusiasem, and just for the sake of the mitzvat without any reward in this world or the next. Without any regards for his olam haba. This is the difference in the level of Nevuah/prophesy of Moshe Rabenu and the nevuah of the other prophets. Because the one who does the mitzavot for the receiving of merit in Olam Haba this is the aspect of 'sight that is dimmed' like when someone sees something from a distance. Yes he does the mitzvot for the reward to come 'for he sees in the distance'. He is in effect waiting to get paid. And this payment is called navi, 'prophet', for this person can attain only this lower level of vision. But the person who can do all the mitzvot with real simcha, with a tremendous simcha and wants no merit but that of the mitzvat itself. He is unpleasent at the thought of recieving a reward for this mitzvah. i.e. like when you do a favour for someone and they want to pay you for it, it takes away from joy of helping this person. It cheapens it. This is the aspect of nevuah in the aspect of clear vision, at this level a person can have the Daat to understand whether it is before a Gezar Din or after Gezar Din. The mitzvot are the unifications of Hahsem, The mitzvot are our way of unification with Hashem yitbrech. This is how we connect to Hashem and through the simcha of doing the mitzvot without any other gratification, we are able to connect to the joy of Hashem, that He has from His creation. "WOW"!!! And from this you can to know/understand/spiritually sense, whether it is before or after the Gezar Din and know how to pray to rectify the world, and to fulfill all that is lacking. "Which by the way is our responsibility in this life, in this world". How does this work? What's lacking in the world? The only way to fill any 'Chesron'/lack/void in this world is only through Prayer! See Torah heh of likutey Moharan for more. In short you have to know how to pray, if Hashem forbid someone is poor, is that a 'Gezar Din' or is it that after he makes a tikun/recification, he'll become rich? It effects the way you would pray for him to know on what side of the line he is holding.
Ot Bet; The words of Reb Nosson he explains here. Here the Ichkar is the shlemut HaAdom. What is the shlemut/compeletness of a man? When he can go to the level of doing the mitzvot of Hashem with such simcha that his only reward is the unification with Hashem, nikkal with hashem. his only olam haba is the mitzvot itself, you see when we are doing a mitzvot b'simcha we are nikal with Hashem the Ari HaKodosh said about himself "that he only merited to his level by doing the mitzvot b'simcha". At this level then he can know whether it is before or after the Gezar Din and then is able to fulfill the void in this world. This is the only way we can repay our debt to Hashem. there is no greater thing in the world! Gevalt!!!
And this is the same aspect of being able to repay his debt, this is all the same concept. For a person does not fulfill his obligation until the money actually reaches the hand of the lender or his shaliach who is like him. Reb Nosson explains, all the mitzvot is the same level as we are repaying or obligations, for we have a obligation to preform the mitzvot. what do we say when someone does a mitzvat? 'Hu yotzeh ha chovo' he has fulfilled his obligation. Yes it is a chov you and I are bound by obligation to preform the Mitzvot! Why? I'll tell you. "For Hashem yitbarech created all the world from the heavens to the lowest hell. and all of it soley for Israel, and the purpose of the Torah. You see the only reaseon that Hashem created the world is for israel to preform the Torah. like it says, "B'reshiet B'rah Elokit" The rabbis o.b.m " 'For Israel and for the Torah was the reshit'. For before Israel received the Torah all the world from the top to is end, what was sustaining the world? It was nothing but unsolicited undeserved loan of the graciousness of Hashem. Yes it was made and given to us as a loan, of grace and for the doing of mercy. Like the Holy Zohar says "the whole world was created only that Hashem could reveal his attribute of mercy". The world was on loan. No one was paying Hashem back for the creation. it was delayed payment. for Hashem saw that there would be a time when the tzaddik HaEmet would pay. For there is no existence with out Torah. There is not a moment that the world can exist with out the Torah. Without Yerutah t'tata without any stimulation from below. Now it is only through the Tzaddikim that serve Hashem at this level of complete Simcha that sustains the whole world at this very moment. They are a chesed Hashem gives us in every generation the Tzaddikim to sustain and and repair the world. For when the Tzaddikim perform the mitzvot and mishim tovim they raise up, elevate the potential to actual, they raise up the entire creation to it source that is the entire Sod and depth of the all mitzvot. The Tzaddik is able to build a 'komah shelmah' complete construct, a complete unification in the world 'olam shenah nefesh' 'the world of time and of spirit' a joining of the two. They complete a unification, of all existence is this world 'shenah nefseh'. The true tzaddik is paying back all the loans for all of us for all time. This the return of all the loans can only be returned by this soul. The idea of returning the loan is the returning of the sparks because the sparks where given to us on loan. We must gather these sparks and return them and only as we bring them to the Tzaddik HaEmet and he places them where they need to be. So the Tzaddik HaEmet is the Sheliach chosen by Hashem to collect all the loans. his soul volenteered for the job before the world was created, and when we entrust our payments to him then we are patur/no longer responsible, for we have now payed our loan. the responsibility is now on him. But I'm jumping ahead.
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